Thursday, May 18, 2017

Frank and Kerri's Baby Announcement Session - Jacksonville FL Family and Baby Photographer

This will be my fifth or sixth blog post for the night, and if you're subscribed to my blog notifications, I apologize ahead of time if you're getting mass emails from me tonight! I've been wanting to get back on the blogging world, but can you believe it that I have about 256 sessions (that includes weddings and events) to BLOG!! I wish I never now I don't have to play catch up. Being a new mommy means different priorities for right now, and that's to take care of my little guy and be present for him.

Anyway, I'm also doing trials and errors to see which workflow will work the best for me. Do you notice the photos and how they are "watermarked?" See photos in this blog post versus to the other post prior to this one... which is one is better for you guys? Just let me know, and I will take that into consideration. :)

Without further adieu....let me tell you about one of my past wedding couples, Kerri and Frank, and their cutest baby announcement ever! It made me feel special that I was the first one to know that Kerri was pregnant. She called me the day she found out she is expecting, and she wanted a creative way to tell Frank that he will be a daddy. So cool in a way that I knew before Frank did. ;) Kerri wanted his reactions captured on photos--way to go, Kerri! I wish I had that done when Bobby found out! ;)

Kerri told Frank they won a mini session with me, and that was the only way she could get Frank to agree on a photoshoot with me without getting suspicious. I told them to write things they love about each other on a cardboard sign. I directed them to hide the signs first from each other and only show it to each other when I tell them I'm ready to take their photos. :) The look on Frank's face when he found that he is going to be a Daddy was priceless!!

Fast forward to almost 2 years later...their baby boy will be one year old already next month, so I figured I better post these photos now than never. :)


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wife baby announcement to husband - corinna hoffman photography copyright photo corinna_hoffman_photography_jacksonville_florida_baby_announcment_photographer_002_zpsknenox9a.jpg
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wife baby announcement to husband - corinna hoffman photography copyright photo corinna_hoffman_photography_jacksonville_florida_baby_announcment_photographer_020_zps6qd06ho4.jpg

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