Monday, April 26, 2010

Message of Love from Favors With Love - Jacksonville FL Wedding Photographer

I'm so swamped with editing since this morning, and it's so nice to see something cheerful in my inbox. The lovely resource blog for brides planning for their wedding, Favors With Love, blogged a really sweet message about Corinna Hoffman Photography! That totally rocked my afternoon, and thank you SO much :) I'm glad, too, that they found out about me while searching for Trash the Dress pictures online!

Stop by at their blog and say hello :) Here's the link to the blog post:

I recently found out about the jewelry side of it too, Cap Creations :) Fun stuff!

This is not a paid advertising, and I'm just simply stoked for someone I've never met before to speak so kindly of my artwork :) Awesomeness!

Favors with Love,Blog Love,Corinna Hoffman Photography,Jacksonville FL Wedding Photographer,Cap Creations

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