Friday, April 27, 2018

Lori and Jason's Baby Announcment Featured on Blog! - Jacksonville FL Maternity Photographer

I love baby announcements, and I love it even more if big companies like notices your photos and add them on their blog site! Lori and Jason's baby announcement session was taken way back in September 2014, and TinyPrints used the photos back in May 2016. They recently updated the blog post now that they have merged with Shutterfly, and I'm happy to find Lori and Jason's photos are still there! :)

Check it out!

corinna hoffman photography - pregnancy announcement - cards photo Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 1.48.09 AM_zpsdibekioa.png
corinna hoffman photography - pregnancy announcement - cards photo Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 1.47.50 AM_zpsqb6wvtk5.png

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