
Bringin' Sexy Back

Wow--it has almost been a year since my first blog post ever (10/5/07)! My dear friend Scarlett was actually the one that kept telling me to start a blog, and I was always hesitant about it because I don't want the whole world (someone from Poland, China and Brazil keeps checking my blog) to know everything about me. True, I don't have to share about everything, but it sure is a great way to keep everyone posted with my latest photo sessions and to witness my faith :) I started the blog only to post strictly photo work related, but a couple of weeks into blogging, I was inspired to use this as my personal journal as well--in photos, of course :) Yay, for blogging! Thank you to all for always checking my blog, and please leave me a comment sometimes so I know who's visiting--especially the folks in Poland, China and Brazil :)

Looking back to my oldest posts, I noticed that my old slideshows were still with I figured I'll recreate the slideshow using David Jay's slideshow tool. I'm bringing "sexy" back with Scarlett's Glam Session. Enjoy!


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I love Gisele! I tried to emulate the same picture on the Vanity Fair cover ;-)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


  1. I know it's early and my brain might still be only half-functioning... but I don't think the links are linked...
    ; )

  2. Oh gosh.. it is too early for me as well.. yeah.. the html coding had extra backslashes.. haha.. I just fixed it--thanks for letting me know, Tracy!

  3. Oh my gosh, I love these. I also love Scarlett and have to remind myself that she is a Photog, because she can work it!!!

  4. WOW! Your work blows me away! I love the fashion feel of your work. I love the off camera lighting. I need to try more of that kind of stuff!

  5. these are great! I love the first one with all the color!

  6. LOL, well that was a surprise to see me up on your blog again. Wow, that photoshoot was two boyfriends and 10 pounds ago, feels like forever since that cold December night. Seeing this inspires me to get back to the raw food thing and run more again. ha!


Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO