John has always been like my little brother even though he's towering over me. As I mentioned before in my previous blog, I've known his family since 1997. I really thank God for blessing me with awesome friends :) I am also so proud of John to have a sweet and beautiful wife. It was very obvious they are full of love and very happy to have each other when I was taking pictures of them. Enjoy the slideshow below. Be sure to click on the pictures to enlarge it!
((Slideshow link has been removed))
Yay for jumping shots!

She reminds me of Jessica Simpson :)
Keep off ;-)
They both had lots of energy at 7 am!
She is trying to imitate the Roxy model--too funny!
They both love the same shot that I took of Erika & David back in April :)
Gotta love the Scandinavian look :)
Dancing with the Stars ;-)
More fun shots at Jax Beach :)
My favorite!!
The other two pictures from my previous blog:
Cooling off at Starbucks after the session:
Girl... that's a killer shoot!!! I love those shops down by ocean club and the wall at buckets!!! nicely done... I'll be taking a bride out there at the crack of dawn soon... not that I like getting up that early but hey... got to do what you go to do right... LOL
Beautiful session Corinna!!! The light is gorgeous early in the morning... I may have to try to convince a couple to wake up early just so we can get amazing light like that one day. You did an awesome job girl!!! Love them all :)
Wow! I think these are your best yet! Great job!
I gave you five stars!
CORY! I love them! They turned out so freakin good, I don't even know what to type! Great job, it makes me what to just do a fun session just because. =)
Cory- This is a great session! Wonderful work- awesome job! This is what I like seeing! Nice clean editing, groovy shots, but simple. Let's see more work like this! S.
SWEET! I love your favorite, too! Dang girl...the perspective is amazing, the waves crashing at just the right spots & one hot couple = Rockin' Photo shoot! :-) YAY!
Jess & Mel--thank you for the comments!! Seriously, the light at the crack of dawn is the best lighting ever. Now it's just the art of convincing people to get up that early and "look happy and full of energy" is the tricky part. ;-)
Gwen--thanks and we need to shoot together again! Better yet, play golf at the crack of dawn when it's not so hot!
Mom--you rock my world!
Ruby--yay, so glad you enjoyed the pictures! Maybe we can do a trash the dress session with you and Mike at the beach--now, that's hot too! ;-)
Steph--an encouraging comment from someone that doesn't really comments is an honor ;-) Thanks!!
Staci--God is sooo good to bless us with the lighting and those waves crashing! That was one of my only three horizontal shots of them, and it happened to be when the waves were crashing in. ;-) Thanks for the love!
***Comment on my Facebook***Figured I would post John's mom's comment in here since it's sooo super sweet!!****I think my photog friends and I should start a photo revolution in Sweden one day!***
"Hi Corinna,
You are a fantastic photographer!! What a slideshow - I'm out of words... honestly - I haven't seen anything like your work.. Every photographer has some good shots, but yours are ALL so well composed and high quality...
John and Kadri were sooo happy about their stay and you guys getting together..
Thank you som much for everything you are doing for them (and for Erika & David too..)"
- Mrs. Hutchins
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