
Join Me at Pursuit 31 Conference!

Pursuit 31 Conference, what's that? Before I tell you all about it, let me tell you that I am a firm believer of divine appointment and that God truly answers your prayers! Lately, I'm always on full-steam ahead and always working. I've been feeling a tug in my heart that there is something more than what I'm doing now with my photography business. One summer morning, I just surrendered myself to God and asked for His help to give me an "obvious" sign on how I can slow down, use my photography to glorify His name, and just take a real break to rejuvenate myself mentally, spiritually and physically.

On that very same morning, a Facebook friend of mine that I don't really talk to that much had sent me a private message telling me about Pursuit 31 Conference. I have heard of it from other photographers on Facebook talking about it, but I never really took the time to check it out. I finally did, and and I'm glad I went to check out Pursuit 31's website. Wow, I felt like God was speaking to me as I was watching the videos on the website and reading more about this conference. How "obvious" can He be, right?!

I emailed my husband at his work right away, and I told him what I had prayed about earlier, to check out the website, and that I will be content on whatever he thinks about it. The conference is out of our budget, but his email reply to me:

"God will tell you. Pray about it like you said. It might be just what you need. Did you see the part about no internet or TV?

I Love You ;)"

Well, one thing for sure is that he didn't say no to the idea of me going to the conference :) The rest is history after that reply, and I'm really counting my blessings! There are two days left to register for this conference, and if you're a lady photographer (either just starting out or seasoned like me), I would love to have you join me at the Pursuit 31 Conference this October! I'm so glad a friend of mine told me about this, and now I'm telling you all about it :)

Here's the link to find out what this women's conference is all about:

Below are pictures of where the Conference will be held, which is the WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, GA. Please note that I got these pictures from the WinShape Retreat website and Facebook page. I don't know who took the pictures, otherwise I would properly credit the images :)






Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO