
Stuff for Savvy Photographers - Jacksonville, FL Wedding Photographer

Hey guys! A photographer friend of mine in South Carolina is launching a new set of PhotoShop actions called Formula One Actions. If you've dealt with actions before like Totally Rad, Kubota Image Tools, and MCP, I just know that you're gonna like Formula One Actions! I got the pleasure to be one of the beta testers, and I'm really loving on how easy to use them and manage my workflow faster. I have to be honest that I used to be not a big fan of actions, but mainly because I'm not PhotoShop savvy and don't know my way around it. I'm still learning, but I do find that some actions out there are very helpful :)

Here's a sample edit I did using Formula One Actions, and check out the site ( for more "Before and After" treats from other super-uber cool photographers! :)



This will be available on March 15th, and I heard through the grape vine that there will be a discount for the buyers :-)

1 comment :

Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO