
Celebration Time!

I love my church so much!  So happy that we are members at Celebration Church and have wonderful pastors :)  I want to live for God, and I'm thankful that He has given me the photography skills to help glorify His name :)  As many of you know, I recently did the 21 days of fasting and prayer.  I believe my calling is to be His servant, and I feel like there's more to photography than just taking pictures of weddings, families, maternities, and other portrait sessions. I want to inspire others with my work, and to have God use me as His instrument to show compassion to others with my photos.

I never doubt the power of God, and though, I may not be able to join the Africa missionary trip in June, I have secured a private donor to pay for my whole missionary trip and immunization costs for next year!! :) Thank you, Jesus, to my private donor, and to everyone that kept me in their prayers during my 21 days of fasting and praying. My husband was absolutely the best supporter eating only veggies and fruits for dinner every night along with other organic meal. Being Vegan is very tough, and I super admire people that religiously follow the Vegan diet.

Blessings everyone :)

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." - Matthew 28:19

Below are copies of our church bulletin and 2008 Annual Report with
pictures I've taken before for Celebration Church.





  1. i "love" that you're "in love" with your church! catch that? i'm attempting to play off your comment on my blog! seriously though, it's so cool that God is allowing you to use your talents for His purpose!!

  2. We do go to an awesome church and we serve an AWESOME GOD!!! : )

    I am surprised you waited so long to post the pic from the bulletin. One weekend I saw it and got excited and said to Matt "Hey, Cory took this pic!!" It's a great shot!

  3. Hey Cory,
    What a beautiful heart you have. It is not easy to be a servant. We humans like to receive all the time,.. but when you are a servant, you serve! :-) You're willing to make a difference, exchange your life for others,..give up being noticed,...and sometimes you may seem like nothing for the sake of others, but you know what?? it is worth it! because that is when God uses us for his glory!
    I love the pics you took of our pastors!

  4. Thank you so much, beautiful ladies!! Your comments are very encouraging, and I'm blessed to have you all as friends, whether we've met before in person or just online :) xoxo

  5. You are so talented and I think it's awesome that you are desiring to use your gifts for him! Some of the best photos I have ever taken have been when I am giving and/or helping/blessing someone else. It is such an honor to do what we do for the one who gave us our talents in the first place! I can't wait to see more from you girl this 2009!!!! xoxo


Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO