
Weekend Update

I had an eventful time this past several days...first, Bobby and I shaved our Labradoodle and my Facebook status comment caused a stir ;-) Nope, I didn't sell my dog's hair to the black market ;-) Second, my friend Anna and I checked out the 2008 Women of Influence annual event downtown last Friday morning and got to network with various business women (and men) in Jacksonville. We sat at the same table with the ladies from American Heart Association and Shands Jacksonville and one gentleman from Florida Small Business Development Center. It was a great way to promote my photography business there since many women that Anna and I talked to were event specialists and in the marketing field as well--and always looking for photographers :)

Later on that Friday, I left for Los Angeles to capture Kellie and Randy's Wedding Celebration this past weekend :) Most of you will remember Kellie from the 08.08.08 wedding post in my blog. :) The celebration took place in Redondo Beach and the weather was just perfect :)

I got back late Sunday afternoon just in time to see the Jacksonville Jaguars win a victory against the Colts--my heart was in my throat most of the time during that game! It was very intense! I also got to watch the Yankees play their last regular season game against the Orioles at the House that Ruth built. It was very emotional to watch that game, and I'm so happy that they won that night. I still get teary-eyed just thinking about that stadium getting bulldozed. I had lots of fun memories there with my mom when I used to live in New York City.

I've rambled enough. Enjoy the pictures below :)

Here's one of Anna and I with the keynote speaker, Julie Weeks, President & CEO of Womenable:

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Here's Raechaelle getting shaved:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1 comment :

Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO