
Need Your Help-Vote for Me!

Alright guys, I just checked Scarlett's blog, and there are tons of entries for her therefore..I'm gonna do a little plug for everyone to vote for our picture in my blog. Mine is not there yet, but she'll post three different batches in her blog.. guess mine didn't make it in the heels and tie... definitely won't be in the "Pooches" batch... Hmmn.. on the 3rd day, maybe?

Please vote for this picture when you see it. Wonderful Team Mel and Brad from La Dolce Vita Studio took it..and yeah, Bobby and I were doing bunch of kissing scenes right on the church I'm not sure how weird that looked to people driving even honked at us and made some smooching sound as they drove away (I don't know if that's a compliment or a bad thing).

PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!! I need a new blog look, but that's fine.. I rather much have the trendy strap as a consolation prize for getting Bobby to dress up for pictures on the same night as the Jaguars Football was playing (and we had to give away our season tickets for the game)!

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  1. I will totally vote for you :)

  2. Cute!
    I'll vote for you! And you should vote for me as I'll be in today's batch... maybe we'll both make it into the finals! : )

  3. Sexy heels girl!! I will definitely vote for you. I stalk her blog all the time! :)

  4. Love this picture! I'm voting for ya!

  5. Ali--yay, a vote from England rocks!

    Tracy--thanks! I voted for you under the Pooches batch :)

    Gwen--thanks for the love and for your awesome PR stuff in your Facebook! ;-D Those heels are fun--they're on sale right now at Bandolino Shoe Store.

    Star--you're awesome, thanks! :-D

  6. I'm voting for this picture as soon as she puts them up today. I don't even need to see the others-heehee :)

  7. Voted!!
    I'll vote from my computer at home too! : )

  8. Just to let you know, I voted from all of the computers at the house!

    I'm going to see if I can get to the library soon and possibly do it there too! ;)

    Oooh...and there are computers at Dave's office....10 exactly!



    your favorite non-Brit pen pal from England

  9. On my way to vote for you now sweets!!

  10. Thank you guys sooo much.. I'm still behind.. but I'm just happy now to see that I'm not super behind.. Thanks again!! Ali--wow, 10 computers! People from my work today can't vote b/c we all share the same Internet Protocol address.. so the poll won't take the votes from the rest.. grr.. I hope my coworkers voted for me today when they got home ;-) LOL


  11. We got ya girl, no worries!

  12. We got ya girl, no worries!

  13. Win or lose, you know that you had more REAL votes than anyone! Congrats on being a real winner!!! I believe in you!

  14. I voted yesterday--good luck :)


  15. We are all rooting for ya girlie... I've got my voting boots on so that should help! ;) haha...


Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO