
Funny Photo

I am looking forward to my engagement photo session in Cocoa Beach this weekend with Patti (Jacksonville University alum-woohoo!) and her man, Jeremy, so I've been going through all my beach session photos. I ran across this funny picture from John & Kadri's Fun Session, and I just have to share it with you guys. :-D

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While I'm at this photo nostalgic mode, I just went ahead and scanned the picture below with John and my Botts Hall girls (yeah, I was a cool RA at JU!). This picture was taken back in October 2002. The girl in the middle is actually Patti...who would have known then that her RA will also be her wedding photographer? :) Enjoy!

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  1. Almost completely unrelated to this post, but:

    I'm so excited about November!!!!

    Dave & I have this crazy idea for a couple shots involving sumo suits & the Publix sushi section. Now there's one for your portfolio, right? ;) Haha...

  2. hahahah the picture just made me laugh out loud. ewwwww!!


  3. What timing! : D

    ps. I just tagged you in my first ever tag post!

  4. lol... it's in the other blog... the random meanderings one. second post down, just after the dr. seuss quiz! : )

    they are silly but a cute way to learn new things about people!

    oh, and Uni is an awesome cat! thanks!

  5. Hahaha ohhh this pics of the Botts Hall is hilarious!!! This pic takes me back... wayyy wayyy back!!


Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO