
Congratulations, Jackie & Mad Dog!

Bobby and I visited the proud Mommy and Daddy today at the hospital and got to see Baby AE. Her tiny feet and fingers are so wrinkly but way too cute! Her eyes and beautiful smile just want to make you melt. Her soft skin and silky (not to mention, tons!) hair are just simply amazing. Naturally, I had to bring my camera tonight and take gazillion photos. Looking through the pictures tonight kind of made me wish that I held her.... Bobby and I opted out on holding her because we were both scared. Newborn babies are too fragile, and call me silly, but I'm just afraid to hold them because of their soft and tender heads and pretty much, everything about them. I will wait when Baby AE is 24 months old, when her bones are strong and tough, for me to hold her! Haha--that probably won't stay true.

I'm waiting to take more pictures when Baby AE arrives home before I compile a slideshow and share it with you guys. For now, I'm posting a group photo of us (Kev, we just missed you for the group photo!). Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge it :)

Just one teaser photo, below is one of my many favorites. It made me think of the movie, Juno, and "fingernails." Which by the way, I loooove that movie. Has anyone else seen it? If so, what do you think of it?

Just for fun, below is the movie trailer for Juno. Make sure to turn off my lil' Jukebox first, which is on the left hand column and towards the bottom of the page.

1 comment :

  1. I just LOVE the toes peeking out. It shows that part of the miracle. I wish I had a record like that of my children.



Thank you for the blog love!! You just helped brightened my day :) XOXO